
May 21, 2023 | holiday home, side wall, attic

Friss nyaraló szigetelés referencia: szórt purhab szigetelés Nagymaros

. Nyaraló szig

A könnyűszerkezetes házak egyre népszerűbbé válnak az építőiparban, mivel kiváló alternatívát nyújtanak a hagyományos építési módszerekhez képest. Ezek a házak könnyű anyagokból, például könnyű acélból vagy fából készülnek, és gyorsan és hatékonyan építhetők fel. Az egyik kulcsfontosságú tényező a könnyűszerkezetes házak energiahatékonyságában az oldal- és tetőszigetelés minősége. A PUR (poliuretán) hab alkalmazása ezekben a házakban igen népszerű – bemutatjuk annak előnyeit. Szórt purhab szigetelés Nagymaros, nyaraló szigetelés -itt dolgoztunk utoljára!

Why is side and roof insulation important?

Side and roof insulation is extremely important in lightweight houses, as these buildings can be more prone to heat loss and leakage compared to traditional brick or concrete houses. Low-quality or incomplete insulation can result in significant heat loss, which increases energy use and heating and cooling costs. In addition, in the case of poor insulation, increased noise exposure may occur, which may affect the comfort of the building.

Spray technology is the most commonly used material for side wall and roof insulation. Undisputed advantages:

  1. Excellent thermal insulation: Purfoam has an extremely low thermal conductivity, which means it can effectively block the flow of heat. This helps minimize heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer, contributing to the building's energy efficiency and increasing comfort.
  2. Structure full of air bubbles: During solidification, air bubbles form in the structure. These air bubbles provide additional thermal insulation, as air is a poor conductor of heat.

Az egész országban dolgozunk – szórt purhab szigetelés Nagymaros, nyaraló szigetelés

If you are concerned about the insulation of your residential building, or are planning repairs or renovations, we have good news: we are here to help you. Our company has several years of experience in the field of insulation services and offers our customers outstanding quality and professional solutions. In our article, we show you why you should contact us and how we can help with the insulation of your residential building.

  1. Experience and expertise

Our company is proud to have experienced professionals who are experienced and competent in the field of insulation. Our trained team provides an efficient and reliable service.

  1. Comprehensive services

We undertake the insulation of walls, floors and roofs, taking into account the characteristics and needs of your building, we select the most suitable solution.

  1. Quality and reliability

The satisfaction of our customers is a priority for us, and we do everything we can to exceed their expectations.

  1. Competitive prices and offers - dispersed PU foam insulation Nagymaros


Side wall insulation: link

Our slate roof insulation partner company: link

References by surface type

References éaccording to the type of deck

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Applications of dispersed foam insulation

Flat roof insulation with closed-cell membrane

Flat roof

Waterproofing and thermal insulation of new and already old flat roofs can also be solved, and we can also perform the insulation on existing bituminous surfaces without demolition!

Attic floor insulation

Attic floor

Since the majority of heat loss escapes through the slabs, the insulation of the attics is a particularly important topic in connection with the modernization of the building.

Attic Insulation


Uninhabited attics are usually insulated from the inside, between the rafters. If the attic is inhabited, it is insulated from the outside, after dismantling the shell.


Hall, warehouse

Shape-following thermal and waterproofing is the perfect choice for lightweight buildings. Say goodbye to condensation problems!

Stable Insulation with Purhab

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Sterile and washable surface without the need for complicated fixation. Where the time factor is important, we can perform up to 1,000 m2 of insulation per day.

Facade Insulated Purfoam

Side wall

Heat and sound insulation of internal side walls, as well as foam insulation of external facades. It can be easily applied even on plastered walls.

Socket Insulation Closed-cell Purfoam

Attic floor insulation

The walkable foam layer is an excellent solution for specially shaped rooms, including stairs and mechanical systems, as it helps to insulate these areas without gaps.

Ceiling insulation

Ceiling insulation

If there is an unheated living space under your apartment (such as a basement or an underground garage), it is important to insulate the floor. Purhab is an ideal choice in every respect.

Trapezoidal sheet insulation with PU foam

Trapezoid plate

In addition to soaking, the condensation problem is the biggest fault of trapezoidal sheet buildings. Dripping steam is not only annoying, but can also cause damage to the building. 

Wave slate insulation

Wave slate

The majority of slate roofs get wet, due to the complicated fixing and layering of traditional insulation, it can be said that their insulation is only possible economically with purfoam.

Tank Insulation

Tank, container

Shape-following thermal insulation and corrosion protection of tanks with fast progress. It can even be used to insulate underground tanks. Ask for our offer for purfoam insulation!

Terrace insulation


Effective heat, water and sound insulation of terraces! The closed-cell material can be concreted, paved, or you can even build a green terrace on it. Half the thickness of traditional insulation is enough!