Frequently Asked Questions

We tried to collect the most frequently asked questions by our customers. Are you interested in the price of foam insulation? Call us or write to us email!

Hírek és érdekességek a purhab világából

Elastochem Insulthane® Extreme

**Az Elastochem Insulthane® Extreme terméke egy órás tűzvédelmi besorolást ért el SPF szigetelés esetén fémszerkezetű falépítményekben** **BRANTFORD, ONTARIO – 2024. szeptember 18.** – Az Elastochem Specialty Chemicals Inc., a vezető kanadai spray poliuretán anyagok...


Hogyan szigeteljük a tetőteret? Nyitott és zárt cellás habszigetelések összehasonlítása Nyitott cellás habszigetelés A nyitott cellás poliuretán habszigetelés, más néven "half-pound foam", egy könnyebb típusú habszigetelés, amelynek cellái részben nyitottak, ami...

Closed or open cell foam?

Closed or open cell foam?

Mivel szigeteljük a tetőteret? Nyitott és zárt? Nyitott cellás habszigetelés A nyitott cellás poliuretán habszigetelés egy könnyebb anyag, cellái részben nyitottak, ami lehetővé teszi a levegő áramlását. Az 1980-as években fejlesztették ki, és a 90-es években vált...

Scattered purfoam insulation price - what does it depend on?

A szórt purhab szigetelés ára 2024-ben jellemzően 5000 Ft körül nettő áron mozog. Ez az ár az erősebb, nehezebb zártcellás anyagra értendő, abból is a minimális 3 cm vastagságra. A purhabnál is igaz, hogy nem szabad kizárólag az ár alapján dönteni. Fontos, hogy milyen sűrűségű és minőségű habbal szigetelünk. A zártcellás poliuretán habból tucatnyi márka van a piacon, más-más minőségi kategóriát képviselve. 

Where can it be used? What material does it stick to?

It can be used on almost any construction material used today: concrete, brick, plaster, tar insulation, wood, plasterboard, trapezoidal sheet, flat and corrugated slate. Porous surfaces and insulation of plastics are undertaken after separate consultation.

Is it more expensive than traditional insulation?

Fontos tudni, hogy az általunk adott árak nemcsak az anyagköltséget, de a kivitelezést is tartalmazzák. Fontos előny, hogy a mi technológiánkkal az esetek többségében nem kell bontania. Összességében elmondható, hogy a purhab ára versenyképes, ha kalkulál az egyéb anyagok installációja kapcsán fellépő költségekkel (szállítás, régi rétegek bontása és elszállítása, bonyolult rögzítés, hosszabb kivitelezési idő, takarítás). Egy lapostető felújítása vagy könnyűszerkezetes épületek kapcsán egyértelműen verhetetlen megoldás. A gyapothoz képest magasabb ár mellett rengeteg előnyt hoz magával az újgenerációs szigetelés. ezért családi házak tetőtereiben is egyre népszerűbb.

Harmless to health?

Purfoam has been used around the world for 60 years. A misconception about polyurethane is that it can negatively affect air quality or even cause poisoning. There is no scientific basis for this. In Canada and the USA, the material has been used as insulation for half a century, and its popularity is unbroken. Closed-cell foam does not emit harmful substances, so it does not affect the health of the people living in the building. Polyurethane is the most effective insulation available today, it is resistant to mold, moisture and other harmful substances.

What thick layer should I order?

 Closed-cell foam replaces twice the thickness of cotton or styrofoam insulation, so it can be said to be approximately twice as effective. Closed cell foam: 0.021 W/mK, cotton 0.044 W/mK, EPS 0.048 W/mK. 

With the technology, we can realize a thickness between 3-20 cm. If waterproofing is the goal, a minimum thickness of 3 cm is perfectly sufficient. Where thermal insulation is also important, we recommend a greater thickness. A minimum of 6-8 cm is recommended for the attic or side walls of residential buildings.

How durable is it? Does it break down over time?

One of the advantages of foam insulation is that it resists structural damage/degradation and does not collapse. Purfoam has been used all over the world for more than 60 years, the experience is that it does not lose its thermal and waterproofing properties even during this time. According to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors, the lifespan of sprayed foam is more than 80 years.

What if insects attack the foam?

Purfoam helps to prevent attacks by insects and other pests, as it seals the gaps where rodents usually enter. The foam does not attract insects because it is not attractive as a food source. 

Is polyurethane foam a green product?

Minden szigetelőanyagnak van egy szép küldetése: az energiamegtakarítás. A purhab szigetelés jelentősen csökkentheti az épületek fűtéséhez vagy hűtéséhez szükséges energiát. A szigetelés használata csökkenti a villamosenergia-igényt, segít megőrizni az értékes fosszilis tüzelőanyagokat, miközben csökkenti a kapcsolódó üvegházhatású gázok kibocsátását az áramtermelés során. Ilyen értelemben a szigetelésünk zöld termék.

THE foam is produced by a complex chemical reaction, where the two main components are polyisocyanate and polyol. Some purfoam raw materials are produced from renewable sources, such as natural oil polyols based on soybean or castor oil. These natural polyols are chemicals that are mixed and reacted with other chemicals to create polyurethane foam.

What are the dangers of sprayed foam insulation?

Gases released during foam insulation and exposure to harmful chemicals can cause lung and eye irritation, shortness of breath, sore throat and fever. However, you can avoid these harmful effects if you use protective equipment during the production of foam insulation. We ask that homeowners stay away from the area while the foam is being sprayed to avoid possible contact with the chemicals. The foam sets immediately and airs out, so you can safely return home after an hour or two.

How to remove closed cell spray foam?

Rub off the foam with a dry cloth, if necessary use acetone on the affected area to remove the particles. On external surfaces, you can use a pressure washer to remove particles.

What is the difference between open-cell and closed-cell polyurethane insulation?

There are two general categories of polyurethane foams: open-cell, low-density and closed-cell, medium-density. Both foam categories provide excellent insulation and air sealing. Although both are made using nearly identical chemical reactions, there are some inherent differences in physical properties that often determine which product is chosen for a given project.

Open cell spray foam has an open cell structure where the cells are filled with air. The open cell structure forms a soft, flexible foam with a density of approximately 8-10 kg/m3. These insulations work by reducing natural air movement, thereby reducing the thermal conductivity of the material. Its fine cell structure makes it breathable at certain thicknesses, drastically reduces air leakage through the building envelope, significantly reducing the building's heating and cooling costs. It is permeable to moisture, so in colder climates it may be necessary to install a vapor barrier. 

Closed-cell material has a closed-cell structure that creates a rigid, hard foam with a density of 35-55 kg/m3. It has been shown to strengthen the structure of the building. These smaller cells trap an insulating gas called a foaming agent. This blowing agent has a lower thermal conductivity than air and increases the R-value. Its structure makes it waterproof, it can also be used in places where contact with water is likely (e.g. on the outside of plinth concrete walls in contact with the ground). 

Can it be used with other insulations?

Closed-cell material can be used in combination with other insulation materials such as fiberglass, cellulose and foam board products. These cost-effective hybrid systems use closed-cell foam for insulation and air sealing, and use other insulations to provide assembly R-values that meet energy codes. 

Is it true that it emits odors?

Some materials have a paint smell for a few hours after application. They do not indicate a chemical hazard, but they can cause discomfort. To avoid unpleasant odors, it is recommended to thoroughly ventilate the work area. 

Polyurethane particles on surrounding objects.

A szigetelés közben apró poliuretán szemcsék keringenek a levegőben. Ezeket a pica cseppeket nehéz eltávolítani. A legtöbb porózus felületről lehetetlen. Sima felületeken a purhab szemcsék mechanikusan eltávolíthatóak polírozó és mosó anyagok segítségével. Minden olyan felületet, amit óvni akar a szennyeződéstől, érdemes a szigetelés előtt letakarni!

Maintenance of flat roofs

Az purhabbal szigetelt tető, ha rendszeresen ellenőrizzük és 10 évente újrafestjük az elhalványult polirea bevonatot (UV védelmet), könnyen túléli akár az épületet is! A purhab rendszeres, akár éves ellenőrzése javasolt a sérült területek, a vízelvezetési problémák azonosítása és az UV védő bevonat állapotának értékelése érdekében.

A címed ide kerül

A tartalom ide kerül. Szerkessze vagy távolítsa el ezt a szöveget soron belül vagy a modul Tartalombeállításaiban. A tartalom minden aspektusát stílusozhatja a Tervezési beállítások modulban, sőt egyéni CSS-t is alkalmazhat erre a szövegre a Speciális beállítások modulban.

Can the foam insulation be repainted?
Exterior work requires a protective coating on the foam to protect it from UV light and surface damage. Depending on the climate, the type of coating, and the overall thickness of the coating, these coatings last for 5 to 20 years. Regular checks should be made to determine if repainting is necessary.
When should we make the foam insulation?

Spray polyurethane insulation is installed at the same point in the construction cycle as other insulation. They usually insulate after installing water pipes, electrical wires, and heating and air conditioning ducts. If you install a solar panel on the roof, it is worth attaching the support brackets to the roof before the insulation. Overall, it can be said that it is recommended to do all the preparations before the insulation, so that the professionals who come after us do not have to damage the heat and water insulation we have made. 

Can anyone make spray foam insulation?

No. Applying sprayed polyurethane requires serious equipment and a professional trained in the safe and proper installation of a polyurethane system.

Which foam is the better sound insulator?

To reduce noise, open or closed cell material is both a good choice. 

Applications of dispersed foam insulation

Flat roof insulation with closed-cell membrane

Flat roof

Waterproofing and thermal insulation of new and already old flat roofs can also be solved, and we can also perform the insulation on existing bituminous surfaces without demolition!

Attic floor insulation

Attic floor

Since the majority of heat loss escapes through the slabs, the insulation of the attics is a particularly important topic in connection with the modernization of the building.

Attic Insulation


Uninhabited attics are usually insulated from the inside, between the rafters. If the attic is inhabited, it is insulated from the outside, after dismantling the shell.


Hall, warehouse

Shape-following thermal and waterproofing is the perfect choice for lightweight buildings. Say goodbye to condensation problems!

Stable Insulation with Purhab

Stable, barn, grain storage

Sterile and washable surface without the need for complicated fixation. Where the time factor is important, we can perform up to 1,000 m2 of insulation per day.

Facade Insulated Purfoam

Side wall

Heat and sound insulation of internal side walls, as well as foam insulation of external facades. It can be easily applied even on plastered walls.

Socket Insulation Closed-cell Purfoam

Attic floor insulation

The walkable foam layer is an excellent solution for specially shaped rooms, including stairs and mechanical systems, as it helps to insulate these areas without gaps.

Ceiling insulation

Ceiling insulation

If there is an unheated living space under your apartment (such as a basement or an underground garage), it is important to insulate the floor. Purhab is an ideal choice in every respect.

Trapezoidal sheet insulation with PU foam

Trapezoid plate

In addition to soaking, the condensation problem is the biggest fault of trapezoidal sheet buildings. Dripping steam is not only annoying, but can also cause damage to the building. 

Wave slate insulation

Wave slate

The majority of slate roofs get wet, due to the complicated fixing and layering of traditional insulation, it can be said that their insulation is only possible economically with purfoam.

Tank Insulation

Tank, container

Shape-following thermal insulation and corrosion protection of tanks with fast progress. It can even be used to insulate underground tanks. Ask for our offer for purfoam insulation!

Terrace insulation


Effective heat, water and sound insulation of terraces! The closed-cell material can be concreted, paved, or you can even build a green terrace on it. Half the thickness of traditional insulation is enough!

Request an offer!

What do you want to insulate?
