articles, interesting references

Elastochem Insulthane® Extreme

**Elastochem Insulthane® Extreme achieves one-hour fire rating for SPF insulation in metal-framed wood structures** **BRANTFORD, ONTARIO - September 18, 2024** - Elastochem Specialty Chemicals Inc., the leading Canadian spray polyurethane materials.. .


How to insulate the attic? Comparison of open and closed cell foam insulation Open cell foam insulation Open cell polyurethane foam insulation, also known as "half-pound foam", is a lighter type of foam insulation whose cells are partially open, which...

Closed or open cell foam?

Closed or open cell foam?

How do we insulate the attic? Open and closed? Open-cell foam insulation Open-cell polyurethane foam insulation is a lighter material, its cells are partially open, which allows air to flow. It was developed in the 1980s and in the 90s it became...

Surface type

Building type